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Price/ PCS : $10.50
Member Price/ PCS :
Points/ PCS : IP 90.00 % PV 0.00 %
$8.80 $8.50
Vip : $8.50
Up2u: $8.50
$8.30 $8.00
Vip : $8.00
Up2u: $8.00
$7.80 $7.50
Vip : $7.50
Up2u: $7.50
$11.50 $11.00
Vip : $11.00
Up2u: $11.00
$9.50 $9.00
Vip : $9.00
Up2u: $9.00
$10.50 $10.00
Vip : $10.00
Up2u: $10.00
$12.50 $12.00
Vip : $12.00
Up2u: $12.00
IP:0 PV:0
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Ingredient :
Macadamia Nuts
Country of Origin:
Nitrogen packed for optimal freshness, Keep refrigerated. Nuts are high in oil content, which makes them highly prone to going rancid if exposed to local warm and humid weather.
$15.00 $13.50
$10.00 $8.00